A number of years ago I was lucky enough to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. We had not wandered through the gardens for very long when my companion commented "These are wicked good gardens." Not being a native to Maine, I had never heard this superlative, 'wicked good'. My Maine born and raised companion explained that there is no higher level than 'wicked good'. You can put 15 verys in front of good and still not quite reach the level of 'wicked good'.
After moving back to the south, I began working on my own gardens with the dream of their one day being considered 'wicked good gardens'. It has not always been an easy course I choose, plants I grew to love in the northeast would either die or if they survived, they refused to flower. Through trial and error, over time, I learned how to adjust the microclimates within the garden to allow these plants to flourish. I have begun to compile this knowledge I acquired along the way and am happy to be able to share them.
Hopefully the information included here will help you establish your own 'wicked good gardens'.
After moving back to the south, I began working on my own gardens with the dream of their one day being considered 'wicked good gardens'. It has not always been an easy course I choose, plants I grew to love in the northeast would either die or if they survived, they refused to flower. Through trial and error, over time, I learned how to adjust the microclimates within the garden to allow these plants to flourish. I have begun to compile this knowledge I acquired along the way and am happy to be able to share them.
Hopefully the information included here will help you establish your own 'wicked good gardens'.
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