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Home Composting: 10 Ways to Make it Successful for You Composting: Alternative Methods
Composting: Alternative Methods Cont.
Trench composting is exactly what it infers. Dig a trench about a foot deep and begin filling it with organic waste from the kitchen or the garden, avoid meat, bones and fatty food. As you fill the trench with waste, you cover as you go. This has the advantage of helping to keep unwanted creatures away. One system developed by the English many years ago and especially well suited for vegetable gardens involves laying out three rows. The first row is for planting, the second row is for walking and the third row is for trench composting. Each year, the rows are rotated so the row used for planting the first year becomes the row for composting the second year and the row for walking the third year. This way, the row used for composting the first year will have two years for the waste to breakdown before crops are planted on it.
Post hole composting is a variation of trench composting and probably goes back to when man first began to farm. Everyone is familiar with the Indians showing the Pilgrims how to add a fish to the hole when planting seeds. This was basically post hole composting. In its current form, it just involves using a post hole digger to dig a hole (about 12 inches deep) in your garden area, add your waste and then refill the hole with the removed dirt. Each time you have gathered enough waste, you dig a new hole and 'plant' it. This method can start feeding the surrounding plants as it breaks down. To complete this composting process takes about the same amount of time as with the trench method.
Composting does not need to be labor intensive or time consuming. Incorporating any of these passive composting methods will start you on the way to a greener lifestyle and a smaller carbon footprint.
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Post hole composting is a variation of trench composting and probably goes back to when man first began to farm. Everyone is familiar with the Indians showing the Pilgrims how to add a fish to the hole when planting seeds. This was basically post hole composting. In its current form, it just involves using a post hole digger to dig a hole (about 12 inches deep) in your garden area, add your waste and then refill the hole with the removed dirt. Each time you have gathered enough waste, you dig a new hole and 'plant' it. This method can start feeding the surrounding plants as it breaks down. To complete this composting process takes about the same amount of time as with the trench method.
Composting does not need to be labor intensive or time consuming. Incorporating any of these passive composting methods will start you on the way to a greener lifestyle and a smaller carbon footprint.
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